LOCATION: Outpost Drive, Los Angeles, CA
PRICE: $2,199,000
SIZE: 3,550 square feet, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms
DESCRIPTION: Attributed to Charles Toberman, this 1928 Outpost original offers incomparable architectural integrity with key updates. Privately perched, the home features living room with fireplace; formal dining room; well-equipped kitchen with awesome wine cellar; master bedroom with two walk-in closets and great original bath; two additional beds w/beautiful new bath; guest quarters with steam shower; patio w/outdoor fp; views; multi-zone-ht/air; wired for sound; full security.
YOUR MAMAS NOTES: The other day we were contacted by Shirley Temple who whispered in our ear that Jason Priestley was selling his house up in Outpost Estates. Now babies, Shirley swore to us this house is owned by the former Brandon Walsh and she claimed she knew this because she had been inside the house. Heaven only knows what Shirley Temple was doing up in Jason Priestley's house, but we do not want to know.
Anyhoo, a little research revealed the house is currently held in a trust using the name Barry Greenfield, a powerhouse business manager/accountant for celebrity types like Jason Priestley. Priestley purchased this home in July of 2002 for $995,000. In August of the same year, probably before he even got that insanely huge crucifix up on the wall, Priestley was involved in a serious racing accident in which he fractured his spine. Lawhd children you know that had to hurt something serious.
Unless you live under a rock in the backwoods of Appalachia, you know that in the 1990s Priestley had an enormously successful run on a little show called Beverly Hills 90210, where he co-starred with one of Your Mama's favorite Hollywood ladies, Ms. Tori Spelling Shanian McDermott. Unfortunately for our Mister Priestley, he has kinda been pigeon-holed in the minds of the television watching public as fresh faced Brandon Walsh. And that's a pity really because despite the vacuous fluff that was 90210, Your Mama thinks this man can actually act his way out of a paper bag, which is far better than most of the pretty boys in Hollywood can do.
Since 90210, Priestley has worked tirelessly to shed the Brandon Walsh monkey on his back. And we think he's doing a good job. Certainly the man has been very, very bizzy acting, producing and di-recting since 90210 was cancelled in the year 2000. According to his filmography, Priestley has more than seven projects due out in 2007. Impressive by any one's standards.
Another project due out in 2007 is the baby Priestley and his wife Naomi Lowde are expecting this summer. No doubt the arrival of a baby has something to do with selling this house. Everyone knows that a 3,500 square feet house is just not enough room to raise a child up in Los Angeles and have a pack of dogs. Our Mister Priestley is a well known animal rights supporter, and like Your Mama, a dog lover and owner. If you look closely at the photos you will see the couple's Alaskan Malamute, Pris, sunning on the patio and through the French doors at the back of the house a gargantuan photo of Swifty Lugnutz, their aged French Bulldog.
The house is being marketing as one of the original houses up in Outpost Estates, a 1920s housing development located east of Runyon Canyon and north of Franklin Avenue. The nicely sited house sits above the street keeping the prying eyes of freaky fans from being able to peek in the windows. However, this location above the street also means there are a lot of stairs to climb to get up to the front door. Your Mama would have liked to have seen Mr. Priestley install and funicular from the street level garage up to the front door. That would certainly save the maid's back from being damaged hauling up all the dog food and wine crates.
We're quite sure that motorcycle that can be seen in the dining room photo has some sort of pedigree, but parking a vehicle of any kind in the front hall is unacceptable by our standard.
Your Mama appreciated that the bathroom was maintained and restored to it's original design with the funky mint green and black tile work. And of course, it goes without saying that Your Mama swoons and goes jelly knee-ed over that outdoor dining area with the fireplace.
While the decor is not our taste, over all we think the house looks cozy and lived in...not something we always see in a celebrity home. However there are two issues we have. The first is we would have preferred to see something on the walls besides old movie posters. We know this is Los Angeles and everyone puts vintage movie posters on the wall, but we think this place would go to the next level with some proper and expensive artwork on the wall.
The second issue is that crucifix. We certainly hope the Priestley's will not be taking that thing to their new home. It's not the sacrilege that concerns us. Your Mama does not bother with the religious stuff. What does worry us is that when this new baby gets old enough to use it's eyes this big ol' thing that shows a dead man hanging on a piece of wood will scare the skin right off the child. Just take that thing off the wall and burn it up in that outdoor fireplace.
We have the address to this property, of course, but because the man is still living up in this house, we have chosen not to include the address. All you intrepid readers can no doubt find the house number, but we're not giving it to you so that you can go knocking on these people's door.
Your Mama would like to wish the Priestley's all the best with the new chile and to please let us know when you get settled in your new house because we have a nice little housewarming gift for you.
Sources: Outpost Estates Homeowners Assoc., Sotheby's, Internet Movie Data Base
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