An impressive stickler for facts, Mister Big Time often shocks and awes Your Mama with his uncanny ability to suss out ownership and purchase prices for celebrity properties. So we were surprised when he noted an incorrect listing price for the Priestley residence and was unable to flush out the name of the new owner. With all due respect to Mister Big Time, Your Mama would like to fill in some gaps, because we know who purchased the house AND we know where Mister Priestley and his growing family have moved.
Priestley's place was originally listed at $2,199,000 as Mister Big Time noted, but it was reduced to $1,999,000 before a purchaser stepped up to the table.
A very reliable source tells Your Mama the purchaser is in fact Miz Jill Marie Jones, who you might know from the show Girlfriends on the CW channel. We were not able to finagle a purchase price, but we're positive that Mister Big Time will be able to fill in that gap shortly once all the deed records clear. The ladies on Girlfriends must have gotten a raise recently because Miz Jones is not the only girlfriend to upgrade her living situation recently.
Another of our sources tells us that Mister Priestley and family have decamped to a 3,266 square foot Toluca Lake house on Strohm Avenue that has 3 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms according to property records. Property records also indicate the property was purchased in May of 2007, but we have not been able to figger out the purchase price . We imagine Mister Big Time will be able to fill that gap of information as well.
Now then, stay tuned for the Sherman Oaks house that Miz Jones is selling.
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