Mister Roger Friedman at Fox News, who always has the most current and salacious gossip about The White Lady, reported late last week that according to the L.A. County Treasurer, the long time Jackson family home on Hayvenhurst Avenue in Encino CA is in tax default to the tune of $16,283 and ten damn cents.
Jackson, who is the owner of record on the 10,476 square foot house, is required to pay the tax debt or the County is sure to take whatever steps are required to recover the back taxes. It's one thing to screw with the banks children, but it's another foolish operation entirely to mess with with the tax man, because he'd rather sell your children to a molester than let your back taxes slide. Oh, wait, hmm...
Interestingly and shockingly, the 5 bedroom and 7 bathroom house on Hayvenhurst can't be sold at much of a profit given that there's already a $4,000,000 mortgage on the property, which would surely eat up much of the sale price of the home IF the family ever decided to sell.
As Your Mama and the well informed Mister Friedman see it, The White Lady could easily sell his stake in Sony/ATV Music Publishing which would not only cover his mind altering (and reported) $340,000,000 debt, but leave enough bank to provide Mister Jackson, those three white children of his, and the krazy talking Raymone Bain a nice home and a plush life for many years to come. But alas...
In the meantime, where's Tito? Where's Janet or that freaky looking LaToya? Jermaine? Marlon? Where are you? Your Mama knows that one of you has got to have the financial wherewithal to pay the sixteen grand to save the family house.
P.S. Your Mama would like to thank B.J. Beaverman for her research on this one.
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