SELLER: Dwayne Wade Jr.
th Place,
Pinecrest, FL
PRICE: $4,999,000
SIZE: 9,035 square feet, 7 bedrooms, 7 full and 1 half bath
DESCRIPTION: Once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase NBA All Star home, Dwayne Wade's home in
Pinecrest. Totally furnished with personal memorabilia.
YOUR MAMAS NOTE: Just between us chickens, Your Mama has been bending over backwards, forwards and sideways trying to handle our personal and professional
bizness and attend to the brutal needs of the celebrity real estate obsessed. However, we can't be all things to all people at all times so we'd appreciate it if those naughty and nasty few (who know who they are) would stop sending Your Mama emails just to let us know you think we're a "lazy bitch." Seriously people, do you think we got
nuthin' else to do but sit around and write this shit? Please. So unless you want to start writing the checks to pay our mortgages, vet bills and BMW payments, we do not want to hear it.
Now then, with that off our heaving chest, let's move on down to a place called
Pinecrest, Flaw-
ri-duh where an NBA all star basketball player named Dwayne Wade has put his crib on the market with a $4,999,000 asking price. All the children surely know by now that Your Mama knows as much about professional basketball as the devil knows about
doin' right. So after being informed by our research queen B.S.
Beaverman about Mister Wade's listing, we quickly consulted both the
internets and our ball crazy buddy Fiona
Trambeau for some basic 411 on the six foot four shooting guard from the Miami Heat they call Flash.
internets told Your Mama that
Esquire magazine has twice included young Mister Wade Jr. on their list of
best dressed dudes, that the baby faced b-
baller is soon headed for the court of
dee-vorce and also that there is also
salacious scuttlebutt circulating that he's dating formerly fat (but still sorta scary) Star Jones who recently filed for a
dee-vorce from her well groomed
huzband Al Reynolds.
Miz Trambeau, on the other hand, offered Your Mama one of her typically snide and sickly cynical nuggets about Mister Wade Jr. saying, "He's a good looking young Christian man who gives wads of money to his church and in my book anyone who gives that much money to God is hiding something besides all of his basketball equipment." Oh dear. That's what we get for asking Fiona
Trambeau a question when she's severely hung over after a long, durrty night at The Transfer.Anyhoo, property records reveal that Mister Wade Jr. and his soon to be ex-wife
Siohvaughn (pronounced
vahn) purchased the .94 acre property in July of 2005 for $3,975,000. A
report in the
Wall Street Journal discusses a legal brouhaha in which the developer of the
house sued Mister and Missus Wade claiming they had not coughed up an additional $150,000 in improvements to the spec built property. The Wade's subsequently filed a counterclaim. We don't know the outcome of the drama, and if we're being honest, we don't much care.
Listing information for the 9,035 square foot mansion labels it a "contemporary colonial," an architectural style that, quite frankly, Your Mama has never heard of before. Records show the house measures 10,409 square feet with 6 bedrooms and 6.5 bathrooms. However, listing information indicates 9,035 square feet with 7 bedrooms and 7.5 bathrooms. Your Mama does not know why the discrepancy, but it might (might, children, might) have to do with the detached guest house adjacent to the backyard swimming pool.
Guest are greeted in the grandiose and designed to impress entrance foyer that features a double circular stairway and a custom floor medallion with the letter "W," a decorating detail only a professional sports star could love and one that neither Your Mama nor any nice gay decorator we know would ever suggest, recommend or allow.
The rest of the rooms seen in the photos hardly looked lived in and the chenille throw laid across the white leather recliner in the home thee-
ter reveals the all too obvious hand of a property
stager. What Your Mama would really like to know is who exactly is responsible for deciding on and disseminating the notion that a chenille throw casually strewn across any and every piece of furniture says "home" to a potential buyer?
Upstairs in the master suite, which includes a giant beige tiled bathroom, we are genuinely mortified to find a circular bed. This children, is an item of furniture that can actually work in honeymoon suites of cheesy motels in the Poconos and/or in glitzy high roller suites in
Las Vegas. However, Your Mama knows deep in our
snarky soul that circular beds should
not be installed in private homes. Anywhere. Ever. None the less Your Mama expects and sorta hopes that somewhere in the headboard is a tiny slot where one can drop a quarter to start the bed vibrating and rotating.
pavers surround the pleasingly rectangular swimming pool that unfortunately features Mister Wade
Junior's nickname "Flash" spelled out in custom tile work on the bottom. This is another questionable decorating notion that will be bothersome and costly for the next owner to fix.
Listing information indicates that the sale of Mister Wade Jr.'s home includes selected personal memorabilia, a sales tactic that Your Mama seldom sees. We got
nuthin' against young and rich Mister Wade Junior. However, if we were in the market for a giant house in
Pinecrest, FL–which we can assure you we will
never be–tossing in an elaborately framed jersey and a few signed basketballs* would not be much of an enticement to sign on the five million dollar dotted line. A better notion might actually be for Mister Wade to bite the financial bullet and have that meddlesome medallion and all that custom tile work on the bottom of the swimming pool removed so that the new owner is relieved of the burden and cost of fixing that crap after closing on the property.
We imagine, but have no knowledge, that the sale of this property has more to do with Mister Wade's impending
vorce and less to do with any shifting professional associations. Whatever the case, we sincerely wish Mister Wade
Junior's real estate agent is able to locate a well to do fan who's willing to cough up considerable cash to live with all that
razy customization.
YOUR MAMAS UPDATE: We did not at first realize that the lovelies at
Luxist had actually discussed Mister Wade's property
last year when it first hit the market with a sky high asking price of $8,900,000. The children will note that
Luxist posted additional photos of the Wade crib that show a circular shaped glass elevator, a
Spiderman themed bathroom and a truly
bizarro (and wrong wrong wrong) mural of a shirtless Mister Wade located in a small niche in off the entrance foyer. We know Mister Wade was just a child himself when he came into all his basketball money so perhaps he went a little nuts on the day-core because, well, that's what very young people with money do sometimes. But
Jeezis, Mary and Joseph, where was his mother or his nice gay decorator to step on the brakes of reason?
*Your Mama has no knowledge or information about what items of personal memorabilia may are may not be included in the sale.