LOCATION: East 22nd Street, New York, NY
PRICE: $1,195,000 (list)
SIZE: small, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom
DESCRIPTION: Spacious and beautiful sun blasted condo loft. Extra high ceilings, exposed wood beams, exposed brick, wood burning fireplace, southern exposures.
YOUR MAMAS NOTES: In yesterday's Manhattan Transfers column in the pink papered NY Observer, celebrity real estate gossip Mister Max Abelson reported that 27 year old tennis titan Andy Roddick has gone to contract to purchase a petite pied a terre in New York City's Gramery Park neighborhood that was listed at $1,195,000.
Noo York City seems an odd choice for the spot light shunning and racket swinging stud who calls Austin, Texas home. But then again, it was recently announced that he and his NYC based and twen-tee year old (20!) Sports Illustrated swim suit model gurly friend Brooklyn Decker have become engaged, so a Manhattan crash pad actually makes a certain amount of sense.
Listing information for the East 22nd Street condominium reveals to Your Mama that other than the high wood beamed ceilings (which are quite lovely), the wood burning fireplace (a feature Your Mama ja d'ors) and the exposed brick (which we don't actually love that much), the treetop level 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom apartment located in a converted brewery is pretty standard fare as far and Manhattan one bedrooms go: Living room to the left, bedroom on the right, bathroom and itty bitty windowless kitchen with crappy cabinetry at the rear.
Although we do like all that extra storage space lofted above the dining area it would probably make us a wee bit nervous to have all that stuff hanging over our head as we tuck into the Chinese take out. Your Mama also appreciates that this smallish apartment includes a proper foyer, however we wish it did a better job obstructing the view of the rest of the apartment. Let's face it, what tennis great wants the delivery people peering over your shoulder and straight down into your living room where your blondie sex bomb moe-dell fiancee is lounging on the leather sofa in a bee-kee-nee with a guitar between her legs?
Your Mama hasn't a clue where the not old enough to drink Miss Decker currently parks her keister, but property records reveal that Mister Roddick owns a 5,558 square foot house on Shimmering Cove in a gated enclave in Austin, TX that he bought in November of 2003 for $1,463,000. Records also show that he also owns a 2,641 square foot house with 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms in a gated community on Via Rosa Drive that he bought in October of 2001 for just $310,000.
All of which adds up to young Mister Roddick being the very picture of real estate modesty. Considering his large earnings on the tennis court and his even more vast endorsement earnings the man could live just be living fat and large. If we're being honest, and we always are, Your Mama is quite impressed by the tennis ace's lack of need to impress others with a giant house and a fleet of sexy sports cars.
Your Mama wishes much mazel tov to these two genetically blessed youngsters who are likely to produce criminally attractive and insanely talented off spring.
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