According to the people at the Los Angeles Times, the house was sold to an undisclosed buyer for $16,840,000. Which sounds like a lot of damn money for a house in Palm Springs. But children let's remember that this isn't just any house. If you're part of the modernist cabal, this house is considered a work of architectural art and we imagine the new owner will use and preserve the house as such.
Interestingly, and probably not surprisingly to a few of the modernist enthusiasts Your Mama chats with, the house sold towards the lower end of the $15-25,000,000 estimate.
Now, let's discuss this undisclosed buyer...Could it be the house luvin' billionaire we hinted at last week? Could it be yet another foreign buyer cashing in on a still declining dollar? Could it be an organization of some sort? We can certainly imagine that a museum like MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) in LA might have liked to pull the funds together to purchase this as part of their "collection."
But as of now? Who knows? Do you? If you do, be sure to let Your Mama know.
photo: Tim Street Porter
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