We can't tell you where we heard this lest we be maimed and murdered by a valued and hooked up informant, but Your Mama hears that the 5,152 square foot house was snatched up by Emmy winning boob toob creator and writer Seth Macfarlane (The Family Guy, American Dad).
The seriously smart and high-lariously funny Peter Brady look alike made all sorts of headlines in early May of 2008 when after 2 and some years of negotiations he inked a sa-weet $100,000,000 deal with with the fat cats at Fox which makes him the highest paid television writer. Ever. And children, in case y'all don't know, he's 34 damn years old.
Your Mama hopes that Mister Macfarlane uses some of his major moolah to hire a nice gay decorator to do up his new digs in the manner and style befitting his vaunted station in the glitzy world of Hollywood.
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