Although we can not currently confirm this particular real estate rumor (don't none of y'all go repeating it like it's gospel now, hear?), Your Mama hears whispered through the Pacific Coast Highway gossip grapevine that Miz Cher's 14,000 square foot Pacific Ocean view abode is in escrow for more than forty million smackers. Not that she needs the clams, but good for her.
Although Your Mama has been hearing whispers and rumors about the Dark Lady of Malee-boo quietly shopping her 1.72 acre estate around for quite some time, the plastic surgery loving sixty two year old mega-celeb only officially listed her 6 bedroom and 7 bathroom Italian Renaissance style residence a few weeks ago amid heaps of hoopla and a formidable $45,000,000 asking price.
Your Mama isn't sure how many properties the Grammy, Emmy and Academy award winning icon owns, but we do know that she's got a doo-plex at the celebrity infested Sierra Towers in West Hollywood as well as a place in London. Now that Cher's strutting her sexy senior citizen stuff in a big show at Caesars Palace, perhaps we'll soon hear word of her shopping for a desert domicile? Maybe. However, Your Mama prefers to imagine Cher livin' large in Las Vegas in a custom designed mansion sized hotel suite where her every wig wearing whim is gleefully carried out by young, noo-bile and uniformed eye candy of the male persuasion.

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