That left Missus Dirrty with an extra house in the Hollywood Hills where she had been living since April of 2003 when she paid around five million big ones to buy a 5,411 square foot Steve Hermann designed residence on Devlin Drive.
In April of 2008, not long after Mister and Missus Dirrty moved into the old Osbourne mansion on Doheny Road, she listed the 4 bedroom and 7 bathroom Bird Street nest for $7,995,000. We've heard through the gossip grapevine that several celebs and their mostly superflouus entourages have toodled up the hill for a walk around. However, no big name or deep pocketed person has bit the big bullet
So, like so many other high end sellers with lavish properties languishing on the market, Miss Dirrty and her property purveyor rather wisely hauled out the price chopping machete and hacked the asking price by a gigantic one million clams bringing the asking price all the way down to $6,995,000. Our bejeweled abacus tells us is more than 12% lower than the original asking price. Wow.
We are certain some of you Chicken Littles will go hog wild wagging your fingers with righteous anger over this prodigious price paring, but please try to keep in mind that Miss Dirrty's digs were (probably) priced much higher than the market from the get-go. Now then, while some of you cackle with glee over falling real estate prices and drive everyone berserk stating the economic obvious, Your Mama is going to move on to other things.
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