Well children, according to Miz Likestotalk, after being looked at several times by Hollywood hotshots like Judd Apatow and (too) many times by Afflegar (or whatever), the newly built Brentwood Park adjacent property has gone into escrow with the daughter of construction king Ron Tutor. Although
The children will recall that it was Mister Tutor who recently plunked down a breathtaking $32,200,000 for an unfinished hotel sized house in Beverly Park. It appears that not all super rich folks have been left with tight fists after the staggering stock and wealth evaporating market plunge.
Miz Likestotalk did not whisper the agreed upon sale price, the 12,000 (approx.) square foot, 7 bedroom and 8 bathroom house was last listed at $14,950,000.
The Tutor filial and family will be surrounded by other rich and famous folks like Ariana Huffington–She-ra of the Huffington Post, natch–and former chat hostess Ricki Lake who both call North Carmelina Avenue home. It is the very same swank Westside street where actor Toby Maguire and his newly preggers wifey Jennifer Meyers paid big money for a large vacant lot earlier this year and will presumably (if somewhat improbably) build their Barbie Dream House.
P.S. Your Mama and the Dr. Cooter hope you had a magnificent Thanksgiving holiday.
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