Kalau udah kebablasan kemudian keenakkan jadi kecanduan, betul gak? betul dong. Nah kalau udah kecanduan, pacar satu gak doyan lalu nambah lagi dan lagi, sampai lupa punya pacar berapa sampai lupa daratan.
Awas! Sesuai kata pepatah 'Kebanyakan pacaran akhirnya kecelakaan'.
Courtship as an opiate, it seems we'll never settle for living it. First kiss - a kiss and hug - hug finally too far, he2 .. This text mah song 'Pregnant ahead'. Continue to read the bottom:
If you've become addicted to the comfort of excessive then, not true? dong well. Well if you've an addiction, boyfriend and then add one not hooked again and again, until a girlfriend forgot how to forget the mainland.
Look out! As per the saying goes 'Most courtship eventually crash'.

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