On the left we see the music room, a space Your Mama has taken the liberty to name the Rosegold Music Salon. Please note the florid ceiling mural, which features angels blowing horns and strumming harps. Personally we find ceiling murals of pasty skinned angels playing instruments to be upsetting and nightmare inducing, but it we are not at all surprised to see them up on the ceiling of this house.
In the back right corner we see a piano, which we assume is antique and has never been touched by anyone in the Saperstein family. Opposite the piano we spy a harp, a gold harp, of course. Now kids, how often do you think this room gets used? Remember, this is modern day Los Angeles. Imagine the gasp inducing horror of the Suzan Hughes types of Bev Hills and Bel Air being invited over to Fleur de Lys for a baroque musical interlude with musicians flown in from Vienna? Uh, no.
In the photograph on the right, we see the Library with it's expensive and extravagant paneling. The two story room is surrounded in shelf after shelf of meticulously bound and matching book sets which all look very nice and very organized. However, we would bet our own mama that none of these books have never been cracked by any of the Sapersteins. This is not a library where one actually reads. Oh no. This is a library of first editions that is meant to impress the guests with the amount of money spent on books.
The more Your Mama thinks about it, the more we are saddened by the dee-vorce of Russell and Kimora Lee Simmons. Based on the extreme interior design of the New Jersey house they shared during their wedded bliss, which is currently on the market for nearly $24,000,000,
if those two have managed to stay married, this would have been the PERFECT West Coast retreat for them.
Sources: New York Social Diary, Internet Movie Data Base
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