BUYERS: Robert and Hayley Rey
LOCATION: Hutton Drive, Beverly Hills, CA
PRICE: around $4,500,000
SIZE: 6,217 square feet, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms
YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Today we have a special house to discuss which is located way up in the wilds of Benedict Canyon in Beverly Hills. What makes this house special you might ask? Well, the property was both sold and purchased by folks who qualify as a certain type of celebrity. Back in 2005, Dr. 90210, Robert Rey, and his wife Hayley purchased this home from aging sex bomb Raquel Welch. Now babies, we know 2005 was a very long time ago, but we're going to discuss the house anyway. So if you don't want to read old news, go read something else.
Miz Raquel Welch rose to fame in the 1960s wearing a fur bikini, and then solidified her place in the lexicon of sex pot celebrity by having her photo snapped wearing revealing bathing suits, teeny bikinis, and, of course, her ability to twist herself into a pretzel.
Miz Welch, who in her youth won beauty pageant titles such as Miss Contour and Miss Fairest of the Fair, has spent the latter part of her career appearing on various television programs including 8 Simple Rules and Central Park West. The auburn tressed sex symbol also earns big bucks hawking wigs. BIG bucks.
Back in 1997, Miz Welch purchased this house from redneck comedian Jeff Foxworthy. Unfortunately the property records we are able to access do not indicate what Ms. Welch paid for the 6,217 square foot, 5 bedroom, and 5 bathroom house.
What is clear is that in mid 2005 Miz Welch put the house back on the market for $4,900,000. Then along came Dr. Robert Rey and his whiny wifey Hayley who purchased the property in October of 2005. Again, we can't confirm the exact price, but it appears they couple paid around $4,500,000 (Mister Big Time, can you help us with that?).
All you reality television fans know exactly who the good doctor and wifey Hayley are. What the rest of you should know is that Doctor Rey is a Brazilian born, publicity hungry Beverly Hills plastic surgeon with very thick arms who cuts people open and shoves saline bags into women's chest all in the service of building female self esteem. Yikes. Despite the perfectly round melons on her chest, stay at home mommy/wife Hayley is so skinny she makes pin thin Nicole Richie look downright fat.
The photos above show the house as it looked when Miz Welch had it on the market. Does it surprise anyone that the decor was high drama? There are really so many issues we could discuss with this house and decor, but in the interest of time and space, we're going to just choose two.
1. The umbrellas in the living room. Did the roof leak Raquel hunny? Were those to protect the beige sofas from water dripping on them? Didn't anyone every tell you that it's bad luck to open umbrellas indoors? Not to mention that it just looks silly.
2. The recliner in the master bedroom. We are quite sure the not so young Miz Welch needs a nice comfortable place to rest her weary bones, but a beige recliner? Seriously Miz Welch. We can live with the leopard print carpeting in the bedroom (and the living room), but we can not abide a beige recliner. Because it does not matter how weary your bones or significant your need for comfort, a beige recliner is never, ever acceptable. Ever.
We'll let the children take over and pick this place apart because Your Mama is plum tuckered out.
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