In the interest of public safety, we are going to post just a few at a time rather than all at once. Your Mama is deeply concerned that presenting too many photos at once might induce a collective gasp of shock and awe so strong that all of the oxygen would be sucked right out of the air, causing the deaths of many thousands and millions of people around the world.
What you have the distinct and memorable displeasure of seeing above is the very grandiose entrance hall to the main house, which ya'll now by now was modeled after Versailles. Like you are now, Your Mama was left utterly speechless and short of breath at upon seeing the insanely garish, vulgar, and inexplicable display of wealth for the first time. We find the interior spaces even more grotesque and difficult to digest than we had anticipated.
This does not even look like a home. It looks like the damn Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Or one of Saddam's palaces. Your Mama hopes the Sapersteins have thoughtfully provided a basket of designer sunglasses with polarized lenses for guests to wear when they enter this gilded and shiny house. Please note the 24 carat gold gilded molding and ceiling details that glisten and throw light with such intensity guests run the risk of being blinded without a good pair of dark glasses to protect their eyes. But then again, Your Mama might just prefer blindness over being subjected to the visual insanity of this room.
Sorry Mister and Missus Saperstein, it may be just our humble opinion, but Your Mama is totally and completely appalled at your over the top sense of taste and style, and we sincerely think your decorator took you for a very, very expensive ride.
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